Keeping Your Word – Keeping Your Integrity Maintaining Your Core Values

Photo by Aditya Vyas on Unsplash
Unlike famous actors and athletes, when first responders negatively make the news, the public does not remember their names; they remember the occupation and jurisdiction linked with those incidents.
Public trust is tantamount among first responders. We work as a team and rely on each other; integrity and confidence are essential. One who lacks integrity may never be trusted, and as a result, the team’s safety and cohesiveness may suffer.
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out
Proverbs 10:9 NIV
Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong.[1]
The three Core Values of the United States Air Force are:
An Airman is a person of integrity, courage, and conviction. They must be willing to control their impulses and exercise courage, honesty, and accountability in order to do what is right even when no one is looking.
An Airman’s professional duties take precedence over personal desires. Every Airman is expected to have the discipline to follow rules, exhibit self-control and possess respect for the beliefs, authority and worth of others.
An Airman strives for continual improvement in self and service in order to propel the Air Force further and to achieve greater accomplishment and performance for themselves and their community.
Core values aren’t just job descriptions or strategies for achieving our objectives. Our values govern our work, how we interact with one another and the public we serve, and the methods we employ to achieve our goals. Core values are the cornerstone of how we conduct ourselves. They are the manner in all we do.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Core values are not only institutional; they are personal. Our core values, our integrity, define who we are. Personal integrity is described as having solid morals or beliefs and adhering to them in both words and behavior. Integrity is a simple concept: living with integrity is upholding your values regardless of the situation.
For many people, the concept of personal integrity has become more than cloudy when it comes to what it means to make a commitment, to keep your word. Not keeping promises may be the norm, but it is not morally right. Always putting your interests ahead of others is self-serving and may lead to hurtful, disruptive, or even illegal behaviors. Just because it’s legal does not always mean it is right. Not taking personal responsibility is a significant sign of a lack of integrity.
“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.”
Author Unknown
Because it is God’s word, the Bible is the best source of wisdom; we control our character, and scripture, the word of God, gives us the knowledge we need. Integrity produces character; a lack of integrity causes character deficiencies. Spiritual integrity, honesty, and living a blameless life are all addressed in the Bible. Sincerity, loyalty, obedience, character, and keeping consistency under duress are all mentioned.
A person of integrity seeks to follow God’s will in whatever they do. Christians don’t always win. However, faith in Christ guarantees that we will spend eternity with God, living in His presence eternally. Integrity refers to being consistent, complete, and truthful in what you say, think, and do.
Jesus is the perfect example of a man of integrity. After He was baptized, He went into the wilderness to fast for forty days and nights, during which time Satan came to Him at His weakest to try to break His integrity and corrupt Him. Jesus was a holy man and holy God at the same time, and He was tempted in every way we are, yet He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15); that is the definition of integrity. Jesus is the only one who was ever without blemish, perfect, completely truthful and always showing a pattern of good works.[2]
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We can live with integrity by speaking the truth, by living in line with Scripture, and by keeping a blameless conscience before God and men.
Pastor Steven J. Cole (Ret) – Flagstaff Christian Fellowship
As First Responders, we took an oath to protect good and fight evil. Many have lost track of their priorities and have put the job first in their lives. If you are experiencing lower than usual sense of self-worth, depression or misplaced guilt, inability to specifically remember or talk about the trauma, feeling numb emotionally, dissociation (not aware of the present moment), a feeling of disconnection from their everyday lives, feeling hyper-aroused and vigilant for danger all the time, lashing out in irritability or unexplained anger, feeling jittery, or unable to concentrate on tasks at hand or other anxiety disorders, such as panic or intense distress, talk to someone and get help. Get back to the basics Put God First, Family Second, and the job further down in the order.
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- “Examples of Core Values: 100 Powerful Principles,”, accessed 08/19/2021, Examples of Core Values: 100 Powerful Principles ( ↑
- “What does the Bible say about integrity?” Got Questions, “your questions – biblical answers,” accessed 08/19/2021, What does the Bible say about integrity? | ↑
Great article! It is true that first responders are rarely seen for the good that they do, but highlighted in the media if they do something wrong. To be a success on their job, they need Christ as their rock to go to when things are difficult in their jobs with what they are asked to respond to. People are looking for someone who keeps their word and is committed in what they are doing. Thanks for sharing this!